Quote of the Day

"Our scars remind us where we've been; they don't have to dictate where we're going." ~Agent Rossi, Criminal Minds

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blogging...Not as easy as it looks...

So I've pretty much been spending the last 2 days trying to figure out how to create my own blog.  I purchased a domain name and everything.  I came up with a clever name.  That combined with my basic knowledge of xhtml and css code and my server space that I already owned through .Mac, I thought I had it made.  WRONG.  Apparently it is not as easy as just using my server space to host my blog.  Apparently writing your own blog from scratch is a HUGE pain the ass.  And apparently Apple limits your blogging abilities to only be used in conjunction with iWeb.  F*ck that.  So the domain name that I so proudly purchased yesterday is pretty much a waste because I ended up using a free, customizable blogging site anyway.  Sheesh.  Stay tuned, I won't promise not to rant or bitch in future posts, but I can promise that there will be more interesting ones than this.  

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