Quote of the Day

"Our scars remind us where we've been; they don't have to dictate where we're going." ~Agent Rossi, Criminal Minds

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Men...even though they frustrate me and I can't for the life of me understand them, I wouldn't change them for anything.

Why? Because if they thought just like us the relationship between the sexes would be terribly boring. We'd always be able to figure them out, we'd always know what they are thinking, and what their next move would be. And THAT would take all the fun out of the male/female dynamic! Do they frustrate me? Sure. Do I sometimes wish they would do things just like we do? Definitely. Have I ever had a moment when they have made me so mad that I wished they'd become obsolete or even be wiped off the planet? Of course! But I always come back around to wanting them on my couch, under my covers, in my car, and a part of my life.

Men can be the subject of serious frustration, deeply hurt feelings and mind boggling confusion that can leave us gals feeling melancholy. And yes, the lows are pretty low. But the highs? The highs are like nothing else...and I wouldn't trade them for anything...not even shoes. Yes, I said shoes.

Men are the way they are for a reason and we are the way we are for a reason. Somehow we find a way to make it work...don't ask me how. Frankly, I believe it to be a God given miracle. Nevertheless, even if I had my way, I'd never change men; no matter how illogical their thinking may seem or how often they leave me cursing the day they were born...because without the lows we'd never reach those blissful highs.

Would it be easier if guys were more like us? Duh.

But who said life was supposed to be easy?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wednesday Late Night


One of my closest friends and I, over a large bottle of red wine (naturally), discussed the point of sex this late Wednesday evening. If you ask the religious sect, they will tell you that the point is for procreation and nothing more. If you ask the pornography sect, they will tell you that the point is for profit and nothing more. If you ask promiscuous ladies and gents everywhere, they will tell you that the point is for recreation and nothing more.

However, if you ask me I will tell you that if it isn't really great or furthering a relationship, then frankly, there is no point. As I explained, quite bluntly, to one of my dearest friends, as I swirled my Shiraz in my glass, "if the sex isn't great, and I mean really great, then it is simply a huge waste of my time."

"What if it is for the furthering of a relationship?" She posed from her perch on the back of my couch.

"Well that counts too. Okay, so if the sex isn't great, or it is not for the purpose of furthering a romantic relationship and thus has the potential to become really great, then it is a complete waste of my time." She nods as if to say she agrees, but waits because she knows me, and knows that there is more. "The way I see it, is if I have someone that I can have sex with, and it's really great, then why would I go anywhere else? I like getting off. So why would I spend time training someone else to do that, if I have someone who already knows how?"

"Yeah, I can see that." I'm not sure she's convinced.

"Look, to be perfectly blunt, here's how I see it. I can get myself off in 5 minutes or less. Most men I'm with, it takes them 45 minutes. So if the sex is not really great, then I see those extra 40 minutes as a complete waste of my time, that I could be using to do something else. If those 40 minutes aren't being used to further my relationship, or aren't incredibly enjoyable, then I will end up wanting them back."

This conversation got me pondering all the many facets of sex. To those who have never participated in it, it's a novelty, although most find out soon enough that that first time is really not all it's cracked up to be, and that the newness wears off quite rapidly if it is bad...and often times it is bad, really bad. To those who have not had it in a very long time, it's a craving, much like the wintertime Seattlite craves the sun's warmth. To those who are stuck in a dead end relationship, it becomes a chore; something they try to avoid on pain of death. But those who have had a taste of really great sex, whether it be inside or outside of a relationship, think of it neither as a chore, nor a craving, nor a novelty, but as an indulgence; one of life's simple pleasures. If you think of it as either a task or a necessity, then clearly, you have not had really great sex.

If the sex isn't great, or it isn't for the purpose of furthering a relationship (and thus has the potential to become really great), then it is a complete waste of my time. Yes, you may quote me.